Last week I was fighting with very strange performance issue. We have quite complicated JPanel form and I was doing some performance opmtimization. I thought that it is now OK, but when then same form was executed as component inside NetBeans Rich Client Platform, it was horribly slow.
Tag: netbeans
How to extract list of packages from JAR file
I’m currently working on some project using NetBeans Platform. This project need to have list of public packages from the jar in configuration file. So I write this quite simple code to do it manually unzip -vb commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar | grep 00000 | cut -c 59- | grep -v META-INF | tr / . | awk…
Alternativa k NaSMS? Dá se napsat během dvou hodin, pokud máte NetBeans a Mobility Pack…
Většina telefonů Nokia se Symbian Series 60 má jeden hodně nepříjemný nešvar a tím je psaní SMS s diakritikou a tím i zkracování délky zprávy. Mnoho uživatelů používá komerční program NaSMS, který tento problém dokáže řešit tím, že z odeslané zprávy diakritiku odstraní. Zkušený Java developer si ale s tímto problémem dokáže poradit a pokud…
NetBeans 6.0: I want it, I want it, I want it…
Here is an exciting demo of new features that will be available in NetBeans 6.0. I was amazed and I’m really looking forward some working beta version of NetBeans 6.0.
How to execute long running tasks in NetBeans platform…
We work on J2EE project based on NetBeans platform and we solve typical tasks. My first problem was execution of long running tasks. Here is a solution: private void jbExecuteActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // start thread RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run() { ProgressHandle progress = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle(“Loading data…”); progress.start(10); try { for (int i = 1;…
NetBeans module and web services made easy…
I looked at Roumen’s presentation regarding NetBeans Plaftorm and Web Services and I was impressed. It really looks very easy.
Vyšlo preview NetBeans 4.1
Vyšlo preview NetBeans 4.1. Je zaměřené hlavně podporu některých zběsilých Sunovských standardů, jako jsou EJB a WebServices. Pokud chcete vědět, jako snadněji stavět a živit tyto bumbrlíčky, mrkněte na Developing J2EE Applications in NetBeans IDE. Doporučuji ale taky mrknout na Spring Framework a popřemýšlet, jestli opravdu EJB potřebujete… 😀