I have found very interesting article Plug memory leaks in enterprise Java applications (Strategies for detecting and fixing enterprise memory leaks)on Java World regarding Memory Leaks. It is worth to read!
Tag: programování
Spring a EJB3 (JPA): celkem pěkná prezentace, pokud nevíte jak začít…
Našel jsem na netu celkem pěknou prezentaci týkající se EJB3 (resp. jeho části zvané JPA – Java Persistence API) a Springu. To že je v prezentaci zmíněný Spring 1.3, toho se nelekejte, dnes se tato verze Springu jmenuje 2.0. Odkaz je http://springdeveloper.com/psug/psug-new-persistence.pdf
Excellent but bit old article comparing main Java and C# features
If you consided whether to move to C# from Java then article C# from Java Developers Perspective can be helpful to you. There are compared languages only not the libraries and frameworks that is also necessary to consider.
Java 5.0 Generics: Chci klíčové slovo var, jako má C# 3.0…
Už toho mám dost. Poté, co jsem dneska snad 50x napsal Map<String, MyBean> map = new HashMap<String, MyBean>(); už mě může vzít čert. Nechápu, proč to musím tolikrát opisovat. Stačilo by klíčové slovo var, které má být v nové verzi C# 3.0 a bylo by po problému. Pak by se jednoduše napsalo var map =…
Tomcat a memory leak pri deploy aplikace
Našel jsem zajímavý odkaz na problém týkající se memory leaků při deploy web aplikace do Tomcatu. Je to tu celkem srozumitelně vysvětleno. Mrkněte na Tomcat a memory leak. Více o tomto tématu (v angličtině) také na Memory leaks where the classloader cannot be garbage collected.
Excelent article about RedHat acquisition of JBoss company and licensing of the software
Today I found very interesting article about RedHat acquisition of JBoss company. I think that is worth reading not only to open source fans (like me) but it has very big impact to software architects. Read the article Red Hat buys JBoss: My Mixed Reaction
Grails 0.1 Released…
Yesterday I got great news that Grails 0.1 was released. Grails can be killer app for Groovy languages. Lets imagine Ruby on Rails with your Java investment protection. You don’t need to learn completely new language – it is not so big problem completely new libraries – which is much worse
Python for Series 60: Excelent development experience
In the past I was writing a few applications for cell phone in Java, but none was finished and released. Main reason why they was not finished was that development took very long time and was too complicated and my enthusiams vanished before project completion. Python for Series 60 shown that there is real alternative…
My first application written in Python for Series 60: PySafe
PySafe is application similar to HandySafe or BondSafe. It is not too complex, but it was written in quite short time and is fully functional. It will be released soon with open source licence. Until release you can look at screenshots and look at comparision with HandySafe.
Maven má od včerejška nový web
Maven má nový web a to je dobře. Nyní je tu užitečné dokumenty jako Ten Minutes Test a Quick Start Guide které umožní každému snadno začít. Věřím, že tímto Antu začíná zvonit hrana…